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Liposuction Consent Form


Name: ____________________D.O.B.____________________________UR:________


Today’s liposculpture is far removed from the methods first introduced in the early seventies, which resulted in excessive bruising, swelling and pain. A dramatic breakthrough was developed called the tumescent technique of liposculpture.  Within the last 30 years,  significant improvements were made with the discovery of adding diluted local anaesthetic solution containing adrenaline to numb the fatty areas and temporarily close the blood vessels in the areas treated. Recovery time has thus been reduced, and hospital admission overnight and general anaesthesia are not required. In 2023, the new government regulations made it lawful for all liposuction procedures to be performed in an accredited day hospital.

The terms liposuction and liposculpture are often interchangeable; however, liposculpture generally refers to smaller quantities of fat removed, particularly in small areas, for example, around the chin, knees and ankles, whereby smaller and finer cannulas (suction tubes) are utilised. Hence, the amount of fat the doctor removes with each stroke is significantly less, giving greater control over the outcome.

Fat stored in specific areas, which tend to be resistant and unresponsive to diet and exercise, results from a hereditary predisposition. Common sites for the accumulation of excessive fat tend to be the hips, thighs, and lower abdomen in women and around the flanks and abdomen in men. Liposculpture is best suited for people in good physical shape, stable body weight, and ‘young’ skin qualities, more so in people under the age of fifty, but not always so.

Liposuction is not a substitute for losing weight but rather a method of reshaping the body.  It is essential to know that liposuction alone is not enough in some individuals, and the benefit of a sensible diet and exercise is vital to maintaining results.

Patients must be over 18 years old and have a BMI under 35 to qualify for liposuction surgery. Some patients with  Body dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) are inappropriate for surgery and will first require a psychological assessment by an appropriate physician.

The procedure

Tumescent liposuction is performed under local anaesthetic. Tiny nicks are made on the surface of your skin, allowing fine cannulae (fine hollow metal tubes) to be passed into the fat layer, which is just below the skin surface.

The slow introduction of tumescent fluid – sterile fluid to which dilute anaesthetic has been added into the area to be treated has a twofold effect. Firstly, it numbs the area. Secondly, it softens the fat, facilitating easier removal by vacuum suction, which minimises pain and bleeding; this decreases post-operative- bruising and swelling. After the local anaesthesia takes effect, the fine cannulae attached to a suction pump are placed into the layer of fat, breaking it up and suctioning it out.

After surgery

  • After surgery, there is some oozing of fluid from the minor incisions for the first 12-24 hours.
  • The recovery time is quick, and most patients can resume normal activity within 2-3 days after the procedure. Although patients are advised to take a few days off work to recover, this is not essential, and some people return to work the next day. More strenuous activities resuming in approximately 3-4 weeks.
  • Regular bathing or showering can be resumed the day following surgery.
  • We recommend that patients wear a commercially made support garment or a snug dressing for at least 10 to 14 days following the procedure; many patients continue to wear the garment for comfort for 3 to 4 weeks.

Recovery and results

Immediate improvement is sometimes noticeable despite swelling and bruising. However, you will continue to improve for up to 6 months following the procedure. Liposculpture can enhance your appearance and self-confidence enormously, but it is essential to have realistic expectations. It is not realistic to expect perfection, and it is impossible to guarantee the precise amount of improvement that will result. Occasionally, too much or too little fat is removed, or it may be uneven, resulting in a minor contour defect, such as rippling or dimpling.

If, in the future, the patient requests any corrections or (as an example) they desire more fat to be removed from an already treated area, then the fee for any of those areas re-treated would be that of the usual charges. If, in addition, other new areas were treated at the same time, then the fee for the re-treated areas would be reduced.

Liposuction removes fat cells permanently, and these cells do not grow back. Residual fat cells can swell, so exercising and maintaining a healthy diet is essential. If you gain weight, you will maintain your silhouette, as the weight gain tends to be proportionately over the entire body.

Cellulite results from tiny fibrous bands pulling on the skin from the tissues under the skin. While liposuction or liposculture may reduce cellulite, it does not eliminate it.

Mild sedation is provided during the procedure. This helps with anxiety and pain. Most of the pain is in the initial stage when infiltrating with local anaesthesia. During the procedure, you can talk and listen to music, and Dr Feldman may ask you to turn from side to side.

Side effects

  • Most patients only experience minimal discomfort.
  • Pain or soreness may last several days, and an occasional twinge can be felt for several weeks after the procedure. These vary with each individual.
  • Numbness, if it occurs, usually disappears after several months and, very rarely, up to a year.
  • Bruising, seen as skin discolouration or black and blue areas, can last for 2 or 3 weeks.
  • Texture irregularities or lumpy, hard areas (are common and part of the normal healing process). These are often improved with light fingertip massage. Swelling initially occurs where the treatment has been carried out, especially in the knees or inner thighs. The lower legs can have swelling for longer because of gravity, and a compression stocking is usually worn longer than other areas.


Infection is rare, but antibiotics may be required if infection arises. Antibiotics are not administered routinely unless for specific indications, for example, patients who have Diabetes.

Allergic reactions can occur with any medications used or prescribed.

Blood collections in the area of the operation (haematoma) or watery fluid (seroma) occur infrequently but could require aspiration. Areas of sloughing have been reported in the literature. Very rarely, a life-threatening infection can occur called necrotising fasciitis, which is a serious bacterial infection that destroys tissue under the skin. Deep vein thrombosis is a rare complication. However, if any clots in your deep veins should travel to your lungs (pulmonary embolism), this can be serious. This is more common with general anaesthetic. However, the risks are very low because you will be awake and moving your legs under local anaesthesia.

The doctor cannot guarantee the results of any operation; the realistic aim is improvement, not perfection. Initially, the benefits cannot be fully appreciated because of swelling and the ongoing healing process, especially in the abdomen, and the results may not be fully appreciated for up to 6 months. The patient, who is well informed about the benefits and risks, is realistic in their expectations and remains supportive and happy with their results.

Photos are taken for the medical record and to document your progress.


Acknowledgement and authorisation

I hereby acknowledge that I have read this information on liposuction, the nature and purpose

of the procedure, possible alternative methods of treatment and risks and possible complications


I authorise Dr Joni Feldman to perform the Liposuction Procedure.

Areas to be treated: ___________________________________________________

I have read and understood all the information above and consent to the procedure.     Yes / No

I have been made aware of all costs of the procedure.                                             Yes / No

I hereby acknowledge that I have read this information on liposuction/liposculpture and the possible risks of the procedure. I have discussed and asked questions with Dr Joni Feldman, who has answered them to my understanding and satisfaction.


Patients Signature


Patients name                                                                                                           Date


Witness Signature                                                                                                     Date


Witness name


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