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The importance of wearing a compression garment

Wearing a compression garment after your liposuction procedure is critical in ensuring the best outcome. It will help you heal in numerous ways, from promoting circulation and rapid wound healing to minimising bruising and reducing the risk of blood clots and infection. Not only that, it will also keep you more comfortable.

What is a compression garment?

A compression garment is a medical-grade article of clothing made of high-quality, breathable materials like nylon and elastin. There are a variety of compression garments made to suit almost.

Benefits of wearing a compression garment

Minimises swelling

Your compression garment will apply consistent pressure to the surgical site, preventing the excessive buildup of subcutaneous fluid (a.k.a. swelling) and encouraging your body to absorb the accumulated fluid in the area.

Put simply, the more you can reduce the swelling, the faster you heal. And the faster you heal, the sooner you’ll see the desired results.

Improves comfort

You may think that wearing a compression garment would be restrictive, but the opposite is usually true. As a compression garment keeps tissues together when you move, it acts like a splint, minimising pain and allowing you to relax and feel more comfortable.

Keeps you haemodynamically stable

Because there has been a shift of fat cells out of your tissues, there becomes a dead space – if the compression garment is not worn, fluid will leak into that space. Wearing the compression garment stops this process, which also means it keeps the fluid in your blood vessels and prevents you from feeling faint.

How long do I need to wear a compression garment?

Dr Feldman will advise you on how long to wear your compression garment after surgery. Depending on the area of your liposuction procedure, you’ll be required to wear your garment day and night (except during bathing or showering) for up to 5 days. Depending on the extent and areas of liposuction, it can last from 5 days to 2 weeks. The exception to this recommendation is chin liposuction, which only requires compression for three days.

Choosing your compression garment

Dr Feldman will recommend the best options for your compression garment; please wait for your consultation before purchasing any garments.