Chin liposuction and neck liposuction can successfully remove fat from around the neck area. Often, only 50 ml of fat is removed, but the results seem as though much more was removed. Female cosmetic physician Dr Feldman regularly performs chin and neck liposuction in her registered day procedure centre in South Yarra (near Toorak, Prahran, Windsor and Richmond).
South Yarra Day Surgery
2- 3 days
Mild sedation & local anaesthetic
3 weeks
1 hour
4-6 months
Chin & neck liposuction: before & after photos

The ‘before and after’ photographs on Dr Joni Feldman’s website illustrate examples of the tumescent liposuction under local anaesthesia with assisted sedation. Results may vary, depending on the individual. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Read more about surgical risks here. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
Chin liposuction
Fat deposits under the chin are usually genetic. Certain facial bone structures can also make it easier for a ‘double chin’ to appear. Those with receding chins have less of a bony structure to hide any soft flesh around the chin and subsequently, the flesh around the jawline is more noticeable, producing an extra fold, or ‘double chin’.
Today, for those feeling the need for a double chin reduction, there’s no need to consider procedures such as “double chin surgery”. With liposuction, there’s no general anaesthetic, no cutting (other than incisions for the cannula).
Neck liposuction
As we age, fat tissue begins to deposit around certain areas of our body. Regardless of how healthy our diet and exercise regime may be, this fat tissue can be difficult to shift. The neck, in particular, is often predisposed to accumulating such fat tissue.
Neck liposuction can successfully remove fat cells from this area. A cannula is inserted through 2mm incisions around the neck, inorder to introduce the tumescent fluid containing local anaesthetic, thereafter, once the effect of the local has worked and the tissue are numbed, then a cannula with suction removes the extraneous fat tissue away.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
The procedure
Patients undergoing neck or chin liposuction (aka double chin liposuction) by Dr Feldman in South Yarra, Melbourne, will be admitted to a nominated day clinic. The procedure requires only local anaesthetic. If preferred, some patients may choose to have an additional sedative to relax them.
Dr Feldman will inject the area with local anaesthetic solution to numb the area. Then, a few incisions are made before a cannula is inserted, which is attached to a suction pump
The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes, and when completed, Sterri-Strips (not sutures) are used to close the wound. The procedure doesn’t require sutures, due to the small size of the wound/s. The area usually heals within 5 to 7 days. The patient will wear a compression garment for three days and six nights.
Most individuals can return to their daily life activities soon after chin or neck liposuction. However, be prepared for some swelling and bruising that may last for up to two weeks.
You will be required to wear a compression bandage for three days after the procedure. Many patients decide to take three days off work, but this is only due to appearances, as there may be mild bruising to the area. Generally speaking, you won’t be in pain after this procedure. Within the first three days, the compression bandaged can be taken off for one hour a day.
For more information read the Liposuction FAQs >
Risks associated with liposuction surgery
All surgery carries risks. It is essential you understand all the risks involved with liposuction to make an informed decision before proceeding.
Complications associated with liposuction may include asymmetry, skin rippling, excessive loose skin, poor scarring, abnormal skin pigmentation, bleeding, infection, seroma formation (fluid accumulation under the skin), deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications, swelling, poor wound healing, bruising, and a potential need for revision surgery. Dr Feldman will discuss all potential surgical risks with you at your initial consultation. She will be happy to address any concerns or questions so that you are fully informed before proceeding with your surgery.
NB: To minimise the chance of infection, Dr Feldman provides antibiotics at the time of the procedure, along with a take-home course of oral antibiotics.
Read more about potential liposuction risks here.
Skin retraction
Patients often wonder how the skin will appear after liposuction. Fortunately, Dr Feldman is often surprised at how well the skin retracts after lipo in this area. Generally, women’s skin tends to retract better than men’s.
Who should perform liposuction to the chin/jawline?
Only a doctor thoroughly experienced in liposuction should perform neck or chin liposuction.