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After liposuction: what to expect & how to ensure the best results

By October 10, 2017June 26th, 2024Uncategorized

If you’re thinking about liposuction, here’s what you can expect after the procedure, along with answers to common questions about recovery, diet and exercise at this time.


Is there anything I can do to make sure I get the best results?

As with any surgical procedure, taking care of yourself is imperative after liposuction.  Straight out of the procedure, you’ll be given a compression garment to wear, which must be worn at all times. You’ll probably find wearing the compression garment comfortable because it alleviates pain and prevents swelling, which in turn helps with healing.

Will I be in pain after the procedure?

Most people feel little pain after their liposuction procedure. Straight afterwards, you’ might feel  groggy due to the sedation you’ve received. For this reason, you must make sure you arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home, and that you rest quietly that evening. For up to a week after the procedure, you may feel stiff and sore, but this will soon disappear. Most patients experience swelling or bruising for up to two weeks. If you feel uncomfortable, take an analgesic such as Panadol.

Do I have to follow any special diet after lipo?

No ‘special’ diet is required after your liposuction procedure. However, it is always advisable to stick to a healthy diet that does not exceed your calorific requirements. Most importantly, do not take any anti-inflammatories or aspirin for ten days leading up to the procedure. And no drinking the (day or) night before the procedure – no alcohol should be consumed for 48 hours before your surgery.

When can I exercise and move after liposuction?

The good news is that you can  get moving soon after the procedure. Dr Feldman advises all her patients to do some low-impact exercise, such as gentle walking for 30 minutes a day to get your blood flowing as soon as two days after the procedure. Joni will also show you some specific massage techniques to help with lymphatic drainage and healing.

While gentle exercise is recommended, do not do any strenuous exercise for a good two weeks after the surgery. In other words, give your gym classes, stair climbing or jogging a rest.

When can I go back to work?

Providing your work is not particularly strenuous, most people go back to work within a few days after their procedure. If your work is very physical, you may need to take time off for a week or two. Discuss your concerns with Dr Feldman; she’ll give you a clear indication of the time out you’ll require.

How long will the effects of liposuction last?

Liposuction works best when removing stubborn pockets of fat. Once removed, the fat cells are gone. However, adhering to a sensible diet is critical, as you can enlarge the remaining fat cells if you put on weight. Although, if you do put on weight afterwards, the fat tends to distribute relatively evenly throughout your body, rather than in one fatty pocket.

Will the fat appear in other parts of my body?

As mentioned above, if you gain weight after the procedure, the fat will distribute evenly throughout the body.

Will scarring be evident?

Only  2 to 4 mm incisions are made to perform this procedure. Usually, the scars are not visible after a 6 months.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. To discover more about the liposuction procedure,  results and considerations, see our main liposuction page hereRead more about surgical risks here.